This is the second part of an interview that Jasun Horsley did with Hunter for his podcast The Liminalist and was released on February 1, 2020 as Episode #227.
This is the first part of an interview that Jasun Horsley did with Hunter for his podcast The Liminalist and was released on February 1, 2020 as Episode #227.
Christopher Mathieu was kind enough to have us on his podcast, Forbidden Knowledge News. This is what transpired. We talk about how we got onto our strange trajectories, the different facets of transhumanism, the Castaneda cult, and more.
Hunter and I were guests on our friend Natalie Donna’s podcast, Dystopian Deep Dives, a couple of weeks ago and here is the result.
I speak at length with filmmaker Hunter Muse about her experiences within the cult of author Carlos Castaneda. To support The Melt just visit our Locals page at or our Patreon page at https:...