I had an eye opening chat with abductee Fringe about her experiences with shadow beings that set everything in motion for her, the small entity that lived in her hand when she was a child, consent, screen memories, the measures …
Hunter and I got the rare privilege to speak with attorney, one time presidential candidate, and Project Pegasus time traveler Andrew Basiago about AI deception, political polarization, media manipulation, telemediation, Donald Marshall, teleportation, and mucho more!
Hunter & I were joined by Tamara from Greece, Jeff from Virginia, G from NYC, Hank from California, Helm from Germany, and special guest (and recent MELT guest) TymeRyder to talk about Donald Marshall, consciousness transfer, clone zones, planting music …
I chat with TymeRider about the 9 1/2 hour long presentation that she just released entitled "Revisiting Donald Marshall: A Psychological Analysis Via the Lens of Music" along with her own experiences that overlap with some of Donald Marshall's.
Hunter and I chat with returning guest Canadian filmmaker Frank Jacob about the continuing saga of the Guardians of the Looking Glass, soul trapping tech, clones, nanotechnology, and much more.
Hunter and I chat with MK-ULTRA survivor/experiencer Ron Alan, and author Elana Freeland, about his recently released book “21st Century MK-ULTRA Slave: A Vintage Transhuman Tale” which documents his ongoing experiences with an MK-ULTRA program which captures his astral body …