I had an eye opening chat with abductee Fringe about her experiences with shadow beings that set everything in motion for her, the small entity that lived in her hand when she was a child, consent, screen memories, the measures …
Hunter & I had the unadulterated pleasure of chatting with Anthony Peake about his latest book "Cheating the Ferryman: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death", the daemon, temporal lobe epilepsy, his Cheating the Ferryman hypothesis, consciousness, the subjective nature …
Hunter & I had the honor of chatting with Danny Goler about his experiences with DMT, his experiment with DMT that proved to him that we exist in a computational reality, synchronicity, subjective drug states and objective reality and MUCH …
I had the distinct pleasure of chatting with entrepreneur, investor, futurist, best selling author, video game industry pioneer, and indie film producer, Rizwan Virk, about some of the subjects that he writes about in his two books “The Simulation Hypothesis” …