Hunter & I invite Emily Moyer on to co-host another deep dive into Joe Prystupa’s story that began with a UFO siting and ended up in two mental hospitals.
I had the pleasure of listening with jaw agape as Joe finishes the extensive saga that he began on Episode 187. You really need to listen to that episode first as it contains the fascinating, yet troubling, beginning of this …
I had the good fortune to have a chat with Vedic & Western Astrologer, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Guidance Provider, Ian Ferguson, about angelic magick, conspiracy hysteria, the Luciferian/Molochian/Most High trifecta, and MUCH more!
Hunter and I chat with Stephen Stathis (from BG Cast) and Joe Prystupa (from Syrup Tap) about some recent life altering experiences for the both of them focussing more on Joe’s experience that left him questioning his sanity. I mean, …
Hunter and I chat with synchromystic Michael Wann about Dark, the conspiracy timeline, true believers, the golden ratio, false reality, real astrology, and much more.
I speak with Ole Dammegard about what he’s been up to for the last year, how he might have potentially stopped an even more intense COVID psyop, and how he inadvertently got invited to a white supremacist event.
I speak with the late Tracy Twyman about conspiracy culture in the 90s, Dagobert’s Revenge, the cessation of doing business with non-human entities, communicating with Cain, communicating with Jean Cocteau, communicating with...