Hunter and I have a mindblowing chat with German author Thomas Mayer about his book “COVID Vaccines From A Spiritual Perspective”, vaccine beings, adversary spirits, Kamaloka, angel contact, healing the vaccinated, protection from spiritual shedding, and much more.
Hunter and I chat with author Mark Gober about his new book “An End to the Upside Down Reset”, leftism vs. liberalism, concept creep, the COVID/Great Reset connection, and much more.
Hunter and I speak with returning guest Dr. Christiane Northrup about what all has been happening since her last visit in late 2020, cognitive dissonance, VID vax truths, psychopathy, her upcoming vax-free dating site, being included in the Disinfo Dozen, …
I speak with internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist, Dr. Peter McCullough, about the ineffectiveness and potential destructive nature of not only the COVID “vaccine” itself but also the aggressive campaign that has been ...
My new co-host Hunter and I speak with medical journalist and host of The Highwire, Del Bigtree, about fudging the numbers, a new civil war, the bioweapon angle, and graphene. The Highwire: The Highwire:
I speak with independent journalist, Rosemary Frei, about the underreporting of COVID vaccine injuries, the variant malarkey, the isolation of swimming upstream, naming names, questioning shedding, zooming out, rapping about ...
I speak with Ole Dammegard about what he’s been up to for the last year, how he might have potentially stopped an even more intense COVID psyop, and how he inadvertently got invited to a white supremacist event.