Hunter and I had a lovely time chatting with Future Life Progressionist Anne Jirsch about what it is that she does, how she came to do it, how she teaches others to do it, connecting with a future timeline of …
Hunter and I chat with remote viewer, cryptozoologist, psychic medium, soul regressor, and energy healer, Kimberly McGeorge, about her take on simulation theory, multiple lives and timelines, fire creation beings, the importance of frequency, and in the second hour she …
Hunter and I speak with filmmaker Frank Jacob about Project Looking Glass, the Guardians of the Looking Glass, timelines and changing them, the whistleblower Gideon, the potential of the coming digital currency and it’s implications, and much more.
Hunter and I speak with author and standup comic Howdie Mickoski about reincarnation, his near death experience, the physical world, multiple timelines, and how our view of reality affects reality.