Hunter and I chat with metascientist, musician, patriot, philosopher, audio and video producer, broadcaster, and host of The Exploration of Consciousness series on his YouTube channel, Matt Presti, about Walter Russell, the time scene in Alice In Wonderland, the attack …
Christopher Mathieu was kind enough to have us on his podcast, Forbidden Knowledge News, again. This is what transpired. We talk about the documentary (i.e. infomercial for transhumanism) “I Am Human”, trans insanity, hacking humans, the futility of transhumanism, the …
Hunter and I chat with Brother Marty about gematria, numbers in nature, flat earth, the concept of a personal God, simulation theory, transhumanism, and much more.
Christopher Mathieu was kind enough to have us on his podcast, Forbidden Knowledge News. This is what transpired. We talk about how we got onto our strange trajectories, the different facets of transhumanism, the Castaneda cult, and more.
Hunter and I speak with Australian expat Max Igan about the world as smart prison, life skills, gender confusion, supply chain fictions, governments as crime syndicates, the dead Queen, transhumanism, physical body as antenna, eating insects, and much more.
Hunter and I speak with environmental science researcher and citizen journalist, Lena Pu, about 5G, signature frequencies, transhumanism, human connection, and much more.
Hunter and I speak with independent researcher Sofia Smallstorm about Integrated Capstone Events, transhumanism, chemtrails, morgellons, hydras, synthesized DNA storage, and nanotechnology.
We speak with researcher Harald Kautz-Vella about all sorts of interesting things.