Dec. 26, 2024

Cory Daniel (w/ guest host Emily Moyer) | Particle Accelerators, Isaac Kappy, and Dimensional Doppelgangers

Hunter & I invite Emily Moyer on to co-host another deep dive into the mysterious circumstances surrounding Isaac Kappy's death with one of the leading investigators into the topic, Cory Daniel. Emily has a take on the whole thing that casts it all into a different context and her and Cory shine a light into some different alcoves of this multi-faceted set of phenomena. Excellent stuff!!

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The Melt Podcast

Cory's website The Phoenix Enigma: https://thephoenixenigma.com/

The Isaac Kappy Mind Map: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_l0UGrXE=/ 

All things Emily: https://www.emilycmoyer.com/

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Melt Merch: https://the-melt.creator-spring.com/

Music by The Godawful Joy: https://thegodawfuljoy.bandcamp.com/releases and Sierra Eagleson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNYNNrpyhEE