The Melt
The Melt
James C. Lovett | You've Had the Power the Entire Time (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Elisa E. | "Our Life Beyond MK ULTRA" Pt. 2 (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Mark Gober | Elusive Viruses, Medical Opportunism, and Ethical Inconsistency (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 15 (S02 E16)(PREVIEW)
Weaving Spiders Welcome | Phallological Fifths Surround Pleasure Town (Chat with Hunter & Chris)
Dr. Ammon Hillman | The Ionic, Roman Mania Cults, and the Song of the Muse (FREE FIRST HOUR)
James Bartley | MILABs, Childhood Programs,and Reptilians (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things w/ Shane Sedore | Five: Melting (PREVIEW)
Anthony Peake | We're In A Life Review Within A Life Review Within A Life Review... (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 14 (S02 E15) (PREVIEW)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: MELT Meet-Up 3.24.24 | Guest Chat w/Joe Prystupa (PREVIEW)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Nick Bryant | Connecting the Franklin and Epstein Scandals (PREVIEW)
Dick Khan | The Vast Hidden Ecology of Psycho-Spiritual Beings (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Brandon Joe Williams | You Are Not A Legal Fiction (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 13 (S02 E14)
Anne Jirsch | Creating Timelines and Future Life Progression (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 12 (S02 E12 & E13)
Stella O'Malley | Tomboys, Womanface, and the Luxury of Gender Confusion (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Dr. Sheena Mason | Finding Our Way Out of the Race Matrix (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Joe Prystupa | The Bizarre Ordeal of Joe Prystupa Pt. 2 (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Danny Goler | Manifesting in a Computational Reality (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Rizwan Virk | Are We Living in a Techno-Maya?
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Joe & Jen Hodgdon | Making Lemonade Out of Unfettered Insanity
Joshua Cutchin & Mark Wyatt | The Earth is a Burial Ground (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Ian Ferguson | The Triality Continuum, Angelic Magick, and the Golden Age Enclaves (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: February Melt Meet-up | TymeRider Q & A
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 11 (S02 E10 & E11)
Tessa B. Dick | Life Before, During, and After Philip (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Ada Akpala | Decentering Race, Individualism, and Reclaiming Your Agency (FREE FIRST HOUR)
TymeRider | The They, Consciousness Transfer, and Donald Marshall (FREE FIRST HOUR)
The Rebels Advocate | Chris & Hunter join Shane Sedore for a Spiral Ride...
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 10 (S02 E09)
Wayne Mathias | The Multidimensional Ecosystem of Consciousness (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Chris Mathieu | The Psychedelic Classroom & Occult Louisiana (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 9 (S02 E08)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: January Melt Meet-Up | Pastry Psi
Charlie Robinson | Hypocrisy, Propaganda, and Anarchy (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: December Melt Meet-up | Enna, Mauro, Elana, and Scream Dreams
OffPlanet Radio | Year of the Dragon: An Observation
Dominic Valée | We Are All Parts of the Big Human (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 8 (The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer Pt. 2)
Exulansic | Detransitioning Out of the Cult (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Andrew Basiago | Circular Causation, Quantum Access, and Chronogarchy (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: November Melt Meet-up | The OA, Project People, and Dimensional Cults
Enna Reittort | The Natural Human Esoteric (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Forbidden Knowledge News | Perception Programming~ Human Devolution~ Manifesting Oblivion (Interview with Hunter & Chris)
Jerry Marzinsky | The Psychiatric Mafia and the Entities of Schizophrenia (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Thomas Mayer | Soratic Beings, Spiritual Shedding, and the COVID Group Soul (FREE FIRST HOUR)
John Paul Rice | Hollywood As the Inverted Manager of the Divine (FIRST FREE HOUR)
Matt Presti | Dimensionlessness, Mythematics, and Materialism (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Matt Landman | Follow the Carbon Footprints All the Way to the Bank (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Stephen Stathis & Joe Prystupa | The Bizarre Ordeal of Joe Prystupa Pt. 1 (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: October Melt Meet-up | The Myth of Objectivity & Aura Goggles
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: August Melt Meet-up | Sean Alger Q & A
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: September Melt Meet-up | Gender Fallacies, Lucia Lights, & Energy Enhancement
Mark Stavish | Egregores, Hermeticism, and Magical Organizations (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Dr. Diana Pasulka | Exploring the Religious and Historical Aspects of the UFO Phenomenon (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Nathaniel Gillis | Mortal Portals, Incubi, and Demonic Self Replication (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Jasun Horsley | The Kubrickon, Land Made Man, and The Bible (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Courtney Brown | Recovering Our Personal and Collective Memory Wipes (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 7 (The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer Pt.1)
Tom Montalk | Reality is a Fluidic Collective Dream (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Simeon Hein, Ph.D. | Peering Behind the Material Veil (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Howdie Mickoski | Plato's Cave, False Maps, and the Reincarnation Trap (FREE FIRST HOUR)
The Deep Share Podcast | The Deep Melt (Interview with Hunter & Chris)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: July Melt Meet-up | An Open Exchange
Frankie Fearless | Frankie's Story is Our Story (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Rachel Wilson | The Occult Roots of Feminism (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Steve Burgess | Past Life Regression and Closure (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Cory Daniel | The Art of Critical Thinking & the Peculiar Death of Isaac Kappy (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Emily Moyer | High Frequency Body Alchemy (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Jon Uhler | Psychopathy, Narcissism, and the Trans Deception (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 6 (S01 E07)
Elisa E. | "Our Life Beyond MK ULTRA" Pt. 1 (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: June Melt Meet-up | Randy Maugans Q & A
Word Up w/Dani Katz | Alpha Gals Go Deep No.3 Part 1 (Interview with Hunter)
FPV Angel | The Angelic Particle Matrix, the Genesis Machine, and How Our Realm Works (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Joshua Cutchin | Psychopomps, Transitory Experiences, and Co-Creation (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 5 (S01 E05 & E06)
Ann Diamond | The Montreal MK ULTRA Experiments, Dr. Cameron, and Mr. Cohen (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: May Melt Meet-up | Mark Gober Q & A
Weaving Spiders Welcome | 206 Sex Dolls, 7 Sacrificial Chickens, 1 Syringe of Gravy (Interview with Hunter & Chris)
Andy Rouse | Psychedelics, The Bock Saga, and Kicking Pedestals (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Word Up w/Dani Katz | Sex Robots, Porn Overload, & the Erosion of Intimacy Pt.1 (Interview with Hunter)
Mark Gober | The WEF, Propaganda, and Collectivism (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 4 (S01 E04)
Randy Maugans | The Receivers, the Construct, & the Valley of Decision (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Word Up w/Dani Katz | Sex Work, Sex and the Dude/Chick Sitch Pt.1 (Interview with Hunter)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: April Melt Meet-up | The Importance of Self Reflection & Healing
Dale Brunsvold | Enter the Steinerverse Pt.2: An Outline of Occult Science
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Sean Alger | The Deaths of Isaac Kappy & Tracy Twyman
Emily Moyer & Dani Katz | Taking Your Sacred Cows To Task (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Lauda Leon & Shane Sedore | The Machine/Metal God Narrative, Free Will, and the Soul (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: March Melt Meet-up | Whose Responsibility Is It: The Stimulators Or The Stimulated?
Frank Jacob | Soul Trapping, Nanotechnology, and Unplugging (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 3 (S01 E03)
The Obelisk | An Evening with Chris and Hunter
Niish | Navigating the Inner Labyrinth (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 2 (S01 E02)
Strange Mosaic | Part 1: Public Magic & Nuclear Attraction (Interview with Hunter) (FREE FIRST PART)
Patreon & Locals Limited Series: Dark Matter | Episode 1 (Pilot & S01 E01)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: February Melt Meet-up | The Great Lie
Bart Sibrel | A Lie Seemingly Worth Killing For
Legit Bat Podcast | What is the Agenda? (Interview with Hunter & Chris)
Dani Katz | A Woman Needs The System Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Ryan Peverly | Orgasm, God, and Ether (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Jude Currivan | "The Story of Gaia"
Kimberly McGeorge | Urth: The Game, Frequency, and Fire Creation Beings (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Mitch the Orgone Donor | Tower Busting, Reich Tech, and Climate Balancing (FIRST FREE HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: January Melt Meet-up | Free For All
Michael Wann | The Post-Conspiracy Period (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Strange Mosaic | Finding the Unlit Passage (Interview with Chris) (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: December Melt Meet-up | The "Is Everything A Psyop?" Psyop
Maryam Henein | George Floyd: Cash Cow or Sacrificial Lamb? (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Ron Alan & Elana Freeland | Astral Abduction, Clones, and Electronic Slavery (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Charlie Robinson | Mainstream Media is Lobotomizing You (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Forbidden Knowledge News | Pray To Your Technology~ Trans-forming Humanity~ The Stage of Assimilation (Interview with Hunter & Chris)
Elsa Dillon | Spin Beings, Nefertiti, and Moment Collecting
Shane Sedore | Magic vs. Technology and The Umbrella Corporation (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Marty Leeds | Numbers, Nature, and the Incorruptible (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Emily Moyer | Particle Accelerators, Chatsworth, and Synthesization (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Elana Freeland | Geoengineering Humanity, Control, and the Soul (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: November Melt Meet-up | Q & A: Carlos & T.O.P.Y.
Dr. William Trebing | Goodbye Germ Theory (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Frank Jacob | Project Looking Glass, the CSRQSM System, and Timelines (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Bart Sibrel | Moon Landing Fakery and NASA Shenanigans
Hamilton Souther | Ayahuasca, Ceremony, and Mental Wellbeing (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: October Melt Meet-up | Halloween Stories and Child Autonomy
The Liminalist | Naguals in Hollywood Pt.2 (Interview with Hunter)
The Liminalist | Naguals in Hollywood Pt.1 (Interview with Hunter)
Kurtis R. Kallenbach | Umbilicus Interruptus and Birth Fictions (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Forbidden Knowledge News | Cult of Castaneda~ All Roads Lead to Transhumanism (Interview with Hunter & Chris)
Gregory Little | Roswell, Plasma Entities, and Subjectivity (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Mark Gober | Liberty, Aliens, and Interconnectedness (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: September Melt Meet-up | Strange Experiences Pt. 1
Crrow777 | All Roads Lead to 9/11
Max Igan | Never Trade Liberty for Security (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Dr. Christiane Northrup | Critical Mass Awakening (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Cathy O'Brien | Mass Trauma, Propaganda, and MK Ultra (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Tony Rodrigues | Ritual Technology, Time Bifurcation, and the Secret Space Program (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Gregory Little | Sentient Plasma, T.I.M.E., and the Trickster (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: August Melt Meet-up | Is Corporal Punishment Ever Justified?
Lee Adams | Lucid Dreaming and Conscious Living (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Jason Lindgren | Talking Sense About Nonsense (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: July Melt Meet-up | Waking Up Amongst the Sleeping
Cal Washington | Navigating Lex Mercatoria with Altruism (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Clint Richardson | Look What They've Done To My God (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Brandon Sibley | Knowing Thyself is the First Step to Governing Thyself (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Athen Chimenti | Sidereal Astrology and Our Cosmic Context (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Dr. Jack Hunter | Anthropology and the Paranormal (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Mark Sargent | Questioning Scientism and Space (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: June Melt Meet-up | Free For All
Dystopian Deep Dives | Swapcast: TOPY, Castaneda, and the Magic of Narrative (Interview with Hunter & Chris)
Paul Unslaved | Living Outside of the Laws of Man (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Rose777 | Everyday Sovereignty (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Phoenix Aurelius | Spagyria, Alchemy, and Healing (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Clint Griess | Taking Back What Is Already Yours (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Old Scary World | Phantom Time and Generational Resets (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: May Melt Meet-up | What is this Place?
Dale Brunsvold | Enter the Steinerverse Pt.1: Beyond Dualism (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Howdie Mickoski | Where are We? When are We? (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Brandon Sibley | Free Yourself and You Free the World (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Sofia Smallstorm | Dybbuks, Alchemy, and the Holy Grail
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: April Melt Meet-up | What Does It Mean to Be Free?
Ryan Bledsoe | Living Between Personal Experience and Consensus Narrative (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Matt Landman | Nature Cannot Be Tamed (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Lena Pu | Frequencies and Connection (FREE FIRST HOUR)
David Weiss | Debunking the Heliocentric Narrative
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: March Melt Meet-up | You Are What You Consume
David Charles Plate | Synchromysticism and Film (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Jim Willis | Exploring the Missing Books of the Bible
Ryan Musgrave-Evans | We are the Cryptoterrestrials (FREE FIRST HOUR)
Chris Bledsoe | Orbs, Consciousness, and Reality
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: February Melt Meet-up | Thriving Amidst Adversity
Natalie Sprague | Taking Things Into Your Own Hands
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Philip Fairbanks | Looking into Systemic Pedophilia
Harald Kautz-Vella | Transhumanism as Dark Art
Sofia Smallstorm | The Stealth Conversion of Humanity 2.0
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: January Melt Meet-up | What are New Ways to Navigate?
Crrow777 | What is Truth and Why Does It Matter?
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Erec Smith | The Business of Racism
Bill Smith | Counterculture as Psyop
Billboard Chris | The Trans-Children Agenda
Chris Knowles | All Roads Lead to Liz Fraser
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: December Melt Meet-up | Can We Transcend Duality?
Tommy John & Cassie Huckaby | Make Your Life Medicine
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Ali Zeck | Surviving the Medical Industrial Complex
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: November Melt Meet-up | Where Do You Get Your News?
Danielle Knafo, Ph.D. | Perversion, Intimacy, and Inanimate Objects
Jason Littlefield | Dignity, Sovereignty, and Compassion
Alison McDowell | You're Already in the Game
Mark Anthony Wyatt | The Spirit of Cornwall
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Dr. Peter McCullough | The Ineptness of the COVID Vaccine
JimBob | Memes, Red Pills, and Disobedience
Del Bigtree | COVID as Bioweapon
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Christopher Balzano | Ghosts, Haunted Objects, and Pukwudgies
Amandha Vollmer | Energetic Hygiene
Chris Knowles | No One is Going Anywhere
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Joachim Hagopian | "Pedophilia & Empire": Part 2
Rosemary Frei | Even Question the Questioners Pt. 2
Libby Emmons | Genders, Races, & Bodies
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Ole Dammegard | Doing What Needs To Be Done
Joshua Cutchin & Timothy Renner | "Where the Footprints End Vol. 2: Evidence"
Alec Zeck | Health Freedom and the Way Forward
Dr. Joe Gallenberger | Affecting the Physical with the Nonphysical
Mark Crispin Miller | You are not Immune to Propaganda
Jasun Horsley | Part 4: "16 Maps of Hell"
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Dr. Ben Tapper | Medical Freedom, Speaking Out, and Autonomy
Rosemary Frei | Even Question the Questioners Pt. 1
Howdie Mickoski | History is the Ultimate Long Con
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Dave Zed | The Dark Web, Censorship, and ET Experimentation
Kathleen Marden | The Betty & Barney Hill Case: 60 Years Later
Danny Blitz | Intuition as Superpower
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Dr. Bruce Greyson | Near Death Experiences in a Materialist Paradigm
Tommy John | Sound Your Barbaric Yawp!
James Corbett | A Technocratic Dystopia By Any Other Name
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Craig Campobasso | Extraterrestrial Tech, Consciousness, and Genetics
Ted Kuntz | Examining Vaccine Myths and Manipulation
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Peter Moon | The Montauk Annals Pt. 2
Amandha Vollmer | The Culling and the Curing
Nathan Isaac | Participating in Folklore and the Kentucky Anomaly
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Jim Willis | Questioning Scientific Rigidity
Max Igan | Historical Resets and Prophetic Scripts
Patreon & Locals Bonus Episode: Thighpaulsandra | "The Universe is a Haunted House"
Natalie Donna | Transgenderism, Transhumanism, and Conspiracy Theory
Joachim Hagopian | "Pedophilia & Empire": Part 1
Dr. Christiane Northrup | Autonomy and the Medical-Industrial Complex
Kimmy Robertson | Swirly Things, Dead People, and Twin Peaks
Christopher Bache | LSD and the Mind of the Universe
Assistant X | COVID Need Not Be a Death Sentence
Jasun Horsley | Pt. 3: "The Vice of Kings"
Joshua Cutchin & Timothy Renner | "Where the Footprints End Vol. 1: Folklore"
Grimerica | Swapcast: Fuck the Great Reset
Rose McDowall | Magick, Sorrow, and Strength
Hamilton Souther | Shamanism, Spirit, and Self
Pam Popper | "COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It Happened, and What's Next"
David Seaman | Pizzagate: Where Are They Now?
Gregory Little | Denisovans, Giants, and the Cult of Archeology
Jasun Horsley | Pt. 2 : "Prisoner of Infinity"
Dan Willis | Disclosure, Free Energy, and Reality Creation
Hunter Muse | The Cult of Carlos Castaneda Pt. 2
Leslie Kean | Looking Into Extended Consciousness
Pam Popper | Examining Fact-Free COVID Hysteria
Dean Radin, PhD | Magic, Psi, and Precognition
Michael Mazzola | Directing "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind"
Peter Moon | The Montauk Annals Pt. 1
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | Questioning the Problem and Solution
Chris Knowles | "He Will Live Up in the Sky" and These Complex Times
Ole Dammegard | George Floyd, Division, and Agendas
Erik Davis | High Weirdness in the '70s
Del Bigtree | Seeing Through the COVID Fog
Lynne Forrest | Getting Beyond Victimhood
Jude Currivan, Ph.D. | The Inherently Nonrandom Nature of the Universe
Thomas Hatsis | Religion, Mystery Schools, and Entheogens
Jim Willis | The Afterlife, Out-of-Body Travel, and the Quantum Realm
Rick Strassman, M.D.| Prophecy, Spirituality, and DMT
Ole Dammegard | Is there an Upside to Coronavirus?
Tolec | Coronavirus and Perspective
Sonia Barrett | Weening from the Matrix
Linda Godfrey | Cryptids, Folklore, and Perception
Cynthia Sue Larson | The Fluidity of Reality and the Mandela Effect
Gayle Beatty | Sasquatch and the Paranormal
Cheyene Stone & Marc Weisburg | Energy Healing and the Infinite Self
Mike Clelland | 10 Years of Hidden Experiences
Dr. C.S. Matthews | The Paranormal in the Hudson Valley
Carl Abrahamsson | Art, Fascism, Occulture, and TOPY
Ole Dammegard | False Flags and the Business of Fear
Laurence Galian | Gnosticism 102 & Alien Parasites
Tolec & Adona | Deep Space Artificial Intelligence
Cynthia Sue Larson | Quantum Jumping and the Illusion of Time
Laurence Galian | Laurence's Brush with Death & Gnosticism 101
Mitch Horowitz | The Causality of Thought
Hunter Muse & Jasun Horsley | The Mythos of Carlos Castaneda
Dr. Diana Pasulka | UFOs, Religion, Media, and Technology
Shannon Taggart | The History of Spiritualism and Lily Dale, NY
Jasun Horsley | Pt. 1: "Seen and Not Seen"
Laurence Galian | Self Sabotage, Sufism, and Shrooms
Hunter Muse | The Cult of Carlos Castaneda Pt. 1
Mike Damante | Irreverence, Conspiracy, and Blink 182
Tracy Twyman | Conspiracy Culture and the Secret of Minnie's Mousse
Tolec | Human Evolution and The Andromeda Council
Mike Clelland | Owls, Synchronicities, and the UFO Abductee
Lon Strickler | Winged Humanoids, Upright Canines, and Werewolves
Kai Muegge | Physical Mediumship, Ectoplasm, and Portals