July 11, 2023

Jon Uhler | Psychopathy, Narcissism, and the Trans Deception (FREE FIRST HOUR)

Hunter and I chat with Licensed Professional Counselor Jon Uhler about his background working with high risk sex offenders and sexually violent predators, surviving trauma, the steps to psychopathy, sexual deviance, the apologist myths around pedophiles,

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The Melt Podcast

Jon’s Survivor Support website: https://www.survivorsupport.net/

Jon’s Church Protect website: https://www.churchprotect.org/

Jon’s Unmasking the Trans Movement website: https://unmaskingthetransmovement.com/ 


To hear this limited series and to join in our monthly Melt Meet-ups consider becoming a patron starting at $5 by visiting our Patreon page at: https://www.patreon.com/themeltpodcast or our Locals page at: https://themeltpodcast.locals.com/


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Music by The Godawful Joy: https://thegodawfuljoy.bandcamp.com/releases and Matt Presti: https://www.mattpresti.com/music.html