Ryan Peverly | Orgasm, God, and Ether (FREE FIRST HOUR)

The Melt Podcast
The Melt Podcast
Ryan Peverly | Orgasm, God, and Ether (FREE FIRST HOUR)

Hunter and I chat with friend, fellow podcaster, and screenwriter, Ryan Peverly, about the screenplay that he just wrote about Wilhelm Reich’s life, what initially led him to podcasting, orgone, sexual energy, tower busting, and much more.

To hear the full version of this episode just visit our Locals page at https://themeltpodcast.locals.com/ or our Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/themeltpodcast where you can subscribe for as little as $5 a month to receive extended episodes, exclusive episodes, and early access to regular episodes. For one time donations- PayPal: fosamsara@gmail.com

The list of Reich books that Ryan mentioned:

The Function of the Orgasm

Character Analysis

The Mass Psychology of Fascism

The Bion Experiments on the Origins of Life

The Murder of Christ: The Emotional Plague of Mankind

Ether, God & Devil / Cosmic Superimposition

Ryan’s Substack: https://substack.com/profile/49454535-ryan-peverly 

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Music by The Godawful Joy: https://thegodawfuljoy.bandcamp.com/releases

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