Hunter finally gets to meet truth seeker, peace maker, and code breaker Ole Dammegard on his fifth appearance on The MELT to engage in a recap of some of the events of 2024 including the aliens in the mall, the …
Hunter & I invite Emily Moyer on to co-host another deep dive into the mysterious circumstances surrounding Isaac Kappy's death with one of the leading investigators into the topic, Cory Daniel. Emily has a take on the whole thing that …
Hunter & I were joined by Jeff from Virginia and Valerio from NY to talk about animism, face tattoos, Dune, David Lynch, beekeeping, Ammon Hillman, Carlos Castaneda, Mauro Biglino, red barns, Jerry Marzinsky, Brian Austin Lambert, and mucho more.
Hunter & I were fortunate enough to be able to sit down and have a conversation with the Waldorf teacher that taught my youngest son, Arvo, and was his mentor for several years when he was attending our local Waldorf …
I had an eye opening chat with abductee Fringe about her experiences with shadow beings that set everything in motion for her, the small entity that lived in her hand when she was a child, consent, screen memories, the measures …
Hunter & I got the opportunity to speak once again with retired licensed psychotherapist Jerry Marzinsky and author, veteran nurse & paranormal consultant Lynn Monet about the parasitic entities that plague schizophrenic patients, being poisoned by psychiatry, energetic depression, the …
Hunter & I were joined by Valerio from NY and special guests Emily Moyer and Laura Wilson to talk about "octopus husbandry", bacon, differing architecture within the same building, movie theaters as portals, homeomorphism, Liz Fraser, sound as dimensional portal, …
Shane Sedore was kind enough to ask Hunter & I to join him, Randy Maugans, Emily Moyer, Michael Wann, and Laura Carpenter in his virtual speakeasy that he calls This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things. It was a …
Dark Matter is a limited Patreon & Locals Only series that represents an extended chronological deep dive into the entire Twin Peaks canon. Emily Moyer, Laura Wilson, Hunter Muse, and Chris Snipes will convene every episode or two to unpack …
Hunter and I had a simply delightful chat with teacher, counselor, author, and poet Shonagh Home about her latest book "Poetic Whispers from the Cauldron of the Otherworld", her monthly mushroom journeys, spontaneous poetry, COVID cray cray, clairsentience, claircognizance, personal …
Hunter and I got the rare privilege to speak with attorney, one time presidential candidate, and Project Pegasus time traveler Andrew Basiago about AI deception, political polarization, media manipulation, telemediation, Donald Marshall, teleportation, and mucho more!
Hunter and I had the honor of conversing with folklorist, researcher, social historian, and podcaster Jo Hickey-Hall about her own fairy encounter, child's mind and these entities, reconnecting with divine experiences, the importance of sharing our encounters, liminal spaces as …
I had the utter delight of speaking with author Wayne Mathias about his upcoming sci fi book "Reality Benders", simulation theory, AI, robo-taxis, underground cities, free will vs. determinism, human origins, and oodles more!
Hunter and I were fortunate enough to have a chat with historical detective Michelle Gibson about advanced humans, the controllers, resource manipulation, the original civilization, ley lines, sacred geometry, human energy harvesting systems, the Philadelphia Experiment, and so very much …
Hunter and I had the great pleasure to have a chat with author, illustrator, podcast host, and "owl guy" Mike Clelland about his first fiction book "The Unseen", the process of writing it, storytelling in general, and much more.
Hunter and I had a enjoyable chat with author and connector of dots Chris Knowles about his latest book "The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook", Esalen, 2/3/74, where Philip K. Dick and Liz Fraser overlap, the deep end of synchronicity, different …
Hunter and I once again had the great pleasure of chatting with Canadian filmmaker Frank Jacob about his latest three part webinar "Time Capsule for the Future Past", the fallen Goddess, truth & myth, humans imitating AI, John Lamb Lash, …
Chris gives us an update on the Meltiverse. A more interactive website revamp (easier to share episodes, opportunities to comment, easier to connect and support), our social media disconnect, and a different approach to what goes behind the paywall.
Hunter & I were fortunate enough to have this wonderful conversation with author and experiencer Michael Kameron about his book “High Strangeness: A Lifetime of Alien and Paranormal Encounters”, the paranormal experiences of his childhood, childhood psi experiments, missing time, …
Hunter & I invite Emily Moyer on to co-host another deep dive into Joe Prystupa’s story that began with a UFO siting and ended up in two mental hospitals.
Hunter & I had the distinct privilege of speaking with poet and songwriter Larry Beckett about his life, his art, his creative process, his relationship to Tim Buckley, the Beats, his poem turned song “Song to the Siren” (which was …
Hunter & I had the opportunity to speak with the Bad Wolf about moving into the private, changing one’s status, micronations, the US corporation, jurisdictions, and so very much more.
Hunter and I have an eye-opening chat with returning guest and MK ULTRA survivor Elisa E. about her second book "Our Life Beyond MK ULTRA Book 2", black tech, virtual handling, the long war, generational karma, Luciferic/Ahrimanic/Asuric energy, cloning, and …
I had the honor to speak with third time guest author Mark Gober about his latest book "An End to Upside Down Medicine", the virus mythos, energetic resonance, terrain theory, medical dogma, genetic determinism, reincarnation, "The Real Anthony Fauci", and …