Dark Matter is a limited Patreon & Locals Only series that represents an extended chronological deep dive into the entire Twin Peaks canon. Emily Moyer, Laura Wilson, Hunter Muse, and Chris Snipes will convene every episode or two to unpack …
The Weaving Spiders Welcome crew were kind enough to invite us on again to play. It was thoroughly stimulating and humorously enlightening.
Hunter and I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with author and classicist, Dr. Ammon Hillman, about a wide array of paradigm expanding subjects having to do with the immense amount of drug use in ancient Rome and Greece, entheogens …
I had the pleasure of speaking with renowned UFO researcher and investigator and host of The Cosmic Switchboard podcast, James Bartley, about growing up in a military family, childhood projects, alien technology, alien abductions, the genetic aspect of abduction, and …
Shane Sedore was kind enough to ask Hunter & I to join him and Laura Carpenter in his virtual speakeasy that he calls This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things. It was a gas to do and we hope …
Hunter & I had the unadulterated pleasure of chatting with Anthony Peake about his latest book "Cheating the Ferryman: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death", the daemon, temporal lobe epilepsy, his Cheating the Ferryman hypothesis, consciousness, the subjective nature …
Hunter & I were joined by Hank from California and special guest (and recent MELT guest) Joe Prystupa to talk about the terrestrial equator, free will, the simulation, what Sam Harris has against tulips, UFO sightings, Zoolander, Joe’s Ordeal, David …
I had the distinct pleasure of chatting with author, independent journalist, and activist Nick Bryant about his last book "The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, and Betrayal", his organization Epstein Justice, the overlaps between the Franklin and …
Hunter & I had the distinct pleasure of chatting with author and DMT veteran Dick Khan about his book "DMT & My Occult Mind Lite", making one's own DMT, being open with one's kids about psychedelics, articulating the ineffable, psycho-spiritual …
Hunter and I have the pleasure of chatting with (State) National wizard Brandon Joe Williams about contract killing, Black's Law Dictionary, five dimensional Monopoly, changing one's status, why none of us are citizens, knowing your jurisdiction, and much more.
Dark Matter is a limited Patreon & Locals Only series that represents an extended chronological deep dive into the entire Twin Peaks canon. Emily Moyer, Laura Wilson, Hunter Muse, and Chris Snipes will convene every episode or two to unpack …
Hunter and I had a lovely time chatting with Future Life Progressionist Anne Jirsch about what it is that she does, how she came to do it, how she teaches others to do it, connecting with a future timeline of …
Dark Matter is a limited Patreon & Locals Only series that represents an extended chronological deep dive into the entire Twin Peaks canon. Emily Moyer, Laura Wilson, Hunter Muse, and Chris Snipes will convene every episode or two to unpack …
Hunter and I had the unbridled joy of chatting with Irish psychotherapist, bestselling author, public speaker, and mother, Stella O'Malley about her own experience with gender dysphoria, gender affirmation as conversion therapy, patient advocacy, autogynephilia, the lack of cohesive “scenes”, …
I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with the Assistant Professor of English at Oneonta State University of New York and author of the forthcoming book "The Raceless Antiracist: Why Ending Race is the Future of Antiracism", Dr. Sheena Mason, …
I had the pleasure of listening with jaw agape as Joe finishes the extensive saga that he began on Episode 187. You really need to listen to that episode first as it contains the fascinating, yet troubling, beginning of this …
Hunter & I had the honor of chatting with Danny Goler about his experiences with DMT, his experiment with DMT that proved to him that we exist in a computational reality, synchronicity, subjective drug states and objective reality and MUCH …
I had the distinct pleasure of chatting with entrepreneur, investor, futurist, best selling author, video game industry pioneer, and indie film producer, Rizwan Virk, about some of the subjects that he writes about in his two books “The Simulation Hypothesis” …
Hunter and I have a revealing chat with Joe & Jen Hodgdon from Legit Bat Podcast about whatever comes into our pretty little heads and we ended up in personal territory unwittingly. So, after having a great conversation with Irish …
Hunter & I had the pleasure of chatting with author and musician, Joshua Cutchin, and author, musician, and podcaster, Mark Anthony Wyatt, about the recent book that Joshua edited, “Fairy Films: Wee Folk on the Big Screen”, little people, giants, …
I had the good fortune to have a chat with Vedic & Western Astrologer, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Guidance Provider, Ian Ferguson, about angelic magick, conspiracy hysteria, the Luciferian/Molochian/Most High trifecta, and MUCH more!
Hunter & I were joined by Tamara from Greece, Jeff from Virginia, G from NYC, Hank from California, Helm from Germany, and special guest (and recent MELT guest) TymeRyder to talk about Donald Marshall, consciousness transfer, clone zones, planting music …
Dark Matter is a limited Patreon Only series that represents an extended chronological deep dive into the entire Twin Peaks canon. Emily Moyer, Laura Wilson, Hunter Muse, and Chris Snipes will convene every episode or two to unpack the layers …
Hunter and I had the distinct pleasure of having an informal chat with Philip K. Dick’s last wife and mother of his son, Tessa B. Dick. She speaks with us about her life before meeting Philip, what it was like …