Dani Katz was kind enough to have Hunter on her fab podcast Word Up again and here is what resulted.
Hunter & I have a mind blowing chat with the enigmatic FPV Angel, founder of APM (Angelic Particle Matrix) Research about what it is the APM Research studies and records, angels as particle accelerators, our realm as an immense and …
Hunter and I have an amazing conversation with author and musician Joshua Cutchin about his excellent book “Ecology of Souls: Volume One”, first hand experiences, NDEs, fairies and the afterlife, psychopomps, spirits and souls, katabasis, little people, Lovecraft, alien abduction …
Dark Matter is a limited Patreon & Locals Only series that represents an extended chronological deep dive into the entire Twin Peaks canon. Emily Moyer, Laura Wilson, Hunter Muse, and Chris Snipes will convene every episode or two to unpack …
Hunter and I have a lovely chat with author Ann Diamond about her experiences in the MK ULTRA experiments in Montreal being conducted by Dr. Ewen Cameron, the disruption that it brought to her family, her relationship with Leonard Cohen, …
The Weaving Spiders Welcome crew were kind enough to invite us on to play. It was thoroughly enjoyable and exuberantly therapeutic. It all stemmed from us having S.B. Alger on The Melt for a Patreon/Locals Only episode to discuss Isaac …
Hunter and I have a fetching chat with fellow podcaster Andy Rouse (host of The Deep Share podcast) about our own psychedelic experiences, conspiracy community misconceptions, Terence McKenna, aliens, Esalen, duality, Atlantis, and , of course, the Bock Saga.
Dani Katz was kind enough to have Hunter on her fab podcast Word Up again and here is what resulted.
Hunter and I chat with author Mark Gober about his new book “An End to the Upside Down Reset”, leftism vs. liberalism, concept creep, the COVID/Great Reset connection, and much more.
Dark Matter is a limited Patreon & Locals Only series that represents an extended chronological deep dive into the entire Twin Peaks canon. Emily Moyer, Laura Wilson, Hunter Muse, and Chris Snipes will convene every episode or two to unpack …
Hunter and I have a chat with one of my all time favorite podcasters, Randy Maugans, whose outstanding podcast is OffPlanet Radio. His podcast has inspired me to take The Melt to the next level. His guests are top notch …
Dani Katz was kind enough to have Hunter on her fab podcast Word Up and here is what resulted.
Hunter and I have a lovely chat with Simon from England, JJ from Chicago, Tamara from Greece, Leela from Georgia, Marti from South Carolina, Jeff from Virginia, Bobbi from Florida, Dave from New Orleans, and Krista from Ohio about anger, …
Hunter and I chat with Rudolf Steiner aficionado Dale Brunsvold about Steiner’s incredibly dense book “An Outline of Occult (Esoteric) Science” which covers the evolution of mankind and the universe, the various bodies of humans, the thought world, the supersensible …
Hunter and I have a chat with prolific podcaster extraordinaire Emily Moyer and author, illustrator, and quantum language wielder Dani Katz about the research that they’ve done in regards to the Santa Fe Institute and the Lifeboat Foundation and their …
Hunter and I have a compelling chat with psychic counselor and quantum energy shifter, Lauda Leon, and Illuminati whistleblower, Shane Sedore, about a unique take, based on firsthand experience, of our current reality as simulation. Ideally, one would watch Shane’s …
Hunter and I have a soul nourishing chat with Hank from California, JJ from Chicago, Simon from England, Tamara from Greece, Kimberly from North Carolina, Jweff from Virginia, and Marcey from New Mexico about what the responsibility of the artist/media/education …
Hunter and I chat with returning guest Canadian filmmaker Frank Jacob about the continuing saga of the Guardians of the Looking Glass, soul trapping tech, clones, nanotechnology, and much more.
Dark Matter is a limited Patreon & Locals Only series that represents an extended chronological deep dive into the entire Twin Peaks canon. Emily Moyer, Laura Wilson, Hunter Muse, and Chris Snipes will convene every episode or two to unpack …
Jerry Cthulhu and Niish were kind enough to have us on their podcast recently and we present here for you as an account of what took place. Great fun was had by all!
Hunter and I chat with the delightful Niish about the programs that she experienced when she was young, how trauma can open doors, genetic raking, bilocation, self sufficiency, overcoming the control of fear, and much more.
Dark Matter is a limited Patreon & Locals Only series that represents an extended chronological deep dive into the entire Twin Peaks canon. Emily Moyer, Laura Wilson, Hunter Muse, and Chris Snipes will convene every episode or two to unpack …
Emily Moyer was kind enough to have Hunter on her excellent podcast which can be found here.
Dark Matter is a limited Patreon & Locals Only series that represents an extended chronological deep dive into the entire Twin Peaks canon. Emily Moyer, Laura Wilson, Hunter Muse, and Chris Snipes will convene every episode or two to unpack …